Wednesday, January 21, 2009

and we're in the third trimester!

Finally... Okay, so really it's flown by for the most part, but I am still glad to be closing in on the homestretch.

We are slowly making progress on the house, with the hard wood floors *almost* finished (they say tomorrow). It was way too cold in the south this past weekend to work on the garage, so that will be Jarrod's major excitement this weekend! Yay! I'm sure he loves this idea.

I am lovin' the southern style snow here because I (and by default, Madison) had a two hour delay today! WOOT! Gotta love extra sleep. Morgan, at 3 years old, just doesn't understand the joy of extra sleep and will continue to wake up at a quarter 'til too early for the rest of our lives I think.

Morgan is so funny though, she already loves her new baby sister, and often plays with her. This usually consists of putting makeup on her (i.e. putting makeup on mommy's belly), or shouting/singing down my belly button so that madison is sure to hear her. Yikes. The cutest was when Morgan insisted Madison was thirsty and tried her hardest to convince me that she had to give Madison some juice via my belly button. Ummm... don't think so.